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125 Served at MYC Thanksgiving Dinner!

On behalf of the Milford Youth Center staff, we would like to express how grateful we are for all the companies, families and individuals who made our Thanksgiving meal for the kids a huge success! We were able to serve over 125 kids with a nice, hot meal as well as donate leftovers to the Milford Fire Department and local families in need.  The Milford Fire Department allowed us to use their oven to keep food warm before we served it and with the help of D’Angelo Restaurant, who donated 24 loaves of French bread. We also are thankful for a grant that allowed us to buy hot and cold serving trays, so that we could be sure to serve foods at the right temperature and without having to run back and forth to ovens!
We would like to thank our local community businesses: Pizza Chef, Oliva’s Market, Catering & Gourmet Gifts, Gene’s Variety, Red Heat Tavern, Purchase Street Market,

Cantinho Goiano and Casa Brasil for each donating a side dish for our meal. Thank you to the Price Chopper, Big Y and Stop and Shop for the monetary donations to allow us to get supplies we needed to serve the meal; for each family of our MYC Youth council member that donated a dish (Mila Lima, Brenda Anger, Nicole Landry, Sarah Soares, Stephanie Freeman, Julie Cahill, The McBride family, Jessica Santos, and Patricia Fernandes); to our board members who volunteered and/or donated a plate: Amy Tamagni, Lisa White, Sandra Caproni, Susan Salamone, Brenda Wheelock, Darlene Dulude, and Ron Taylor;  to the volunteers who helped serve and/or donated a plate: Jessica Friswell of the United Way of Tri-County, John Dulude, Kim Wach, Courtney Walsh, Ginny Bliss, the Abrantes family, The Schiavi/ St. Laurent Family, Donna Arthur and ERA Realty for eight great volunteers, Molly Dillon, Joanne Dillon from Milford Town Hall, Karen Kelly, Kerry McLaughlin, Melanie Burns, Roxanne Lynch and Tori Williams for taking photos for us.

Thank you to State Representative Brian Murray for coming over to show his support. To Milford Town Hall Department heads, including Rick Villani, Zach Taylor, Chris Pilla, Carlos Benjamin, thank you for hanging out with the kids in both the gym and the game room. Thank you also to Milford Town Crier for taking the time to interview and do a write up on our event. Finally thank you to all the staff members who made and/or donated a dish as well! Lastly, thank you to Milford TV for coming by to interview some of the staff and youth about the event!