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Monthly Updates

We cannot believe we are in month two of our After School Program, with over 225 registered members so far! We will be closed on October 3, 2024, in observance of Rosh Hashanah, there will be no after-school program. On Friday, October 11th, we will be open to registered after-school members only from 10:30am 3:00pm for open gym. On Monday October 14th we are closed in observance of Indigenous People’s Day. Thursday, October 24th we will have a strict Admin Day, there will be no after-school program. Finally on Friday, October 25th, we will not have the after-school program as we will be getting ready for the Friday Fright Night from 6-9pm! For a look at the October calendar, click here. For more information about programs see below:

  • Open Gym, Game Room, and Free Dinner & Snack: Open gym and the game room are non-structured program spaces, where youth are allowed free play and choose activities. Members are also able to get a free dinner and/or snack in the cafe/lounge area. At 4:00 every day, we now use the back court for other sports such as soccer, volleyball and football and only allow basketball in the front court to ensure a variety of sports be played during the after-school program.

  • Quiet Zone: Quiet Zone will take place Mondays through Thursdays beginning at 3:00pm. It offers students a quiet space to access our computer lab and to do their homework or read.
  • Fishing: The fishing program is run by a longtime volunteer Dr. Bob Gilmore. On October 2nd, 7th, 9th, 21st, 28th and the 30th at 4:00, students will have the opportunity to walk down to Fino field with an MYC staff, to learn bait and fishing techniques with no prior experience needed! It will be a catch and release class and will take place, weather permitting.
  • Soccer: We will have an organized game of soccer on October 2nd from 3:30-4:30. Kids can sign up when they arrive after school.
  • Dodgeball: We will have an organized game of dodgeball on October 16th from 3:30-4:30. Kids can sign up when they arrive after school.
  • Volleyball: We will have an organized game of volleyball on October 30th from 3:30-4:30. Kids can sign up when they arrive after school.
  • Weight Room: This program will be overseen by volunteer, Victor Canino. It will give kids, ages 12 to 18, an opportunity to use the weight equipment safely. This program will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00 pm-5:00pm. Youth can follow circuit weight training, free weights, a personal regimen or request assistance and guidance. They are not required to spend the full 2 hours. They can stay until their routine is complete.
  • Gardening: Youth will carve pumpkins on Tuesday October 22nd at 3:30 thanks to our amazing volunteer, Phyllis Foley, from Green Leaf Gardening! Phyllis has a message to the families of Milford Youth Center members: “The Junior Gardener Program meets monthly at the youth center and is one of the center’s activities. Sponsored by the Greenleaf Garden Club of Milford, it is a free program, usually the 4th Tuesday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30. The goals are to introduce kids to the joys of gardening, to explore the environment and to create art using plants and materials from nature. It is open to all youth center members.”
  • Arts & Crafts: Arts & Crafts is led by Program Coordinator, Joanna Abrantes. This program encourages youth to draw, paint, and craft projects to develop their artistic talents. Arts & Crafts gives kiddos a creative outlet that allows their imaginations to flourish and will be run on Tuesdays, 10/1 at 3:30pm. Kids can sign up when they arrive after school.
  • Life Skills: This is our third year running the Life Skills program in honor of our former board member Ron Taylor. The Life Skills program is going to teach our youth skills that can carry them into their adult years. This month’s program, woodworking, for a third year in a row, will teach proper use and safety of handling woodworking tools and each child will be able to take home their project, a step stool! This program is for registered after school members only. David Abrantes will conduct this class as a father of current after school members and a volunteer of the Youth Center. An email with more details will be sent to parents and guardians. If you are interested and have not received the email, please call the center. This will also be a program that requires advance sign ups and commitment. This program will be held on October 23rd at 4:00pm.
  • MYC Youth Council: The MYC Youth Council is a leadership and community service-based group, created to encourage MYC members to help make a difference in the community through facilitating several youth community events as well as taking part in volunteer opportunities! Registered after-school members, ranging in ages from 8-18, can join this program and commit to making changes together! The Youth Council will be held on Tuesdays, 10/8, 10/15 and 10/29 at 3:30 pm. If interested in participating, please email Joanna at
  • Cornerstone Intergenerational Program: Cornerstone at Milford has partnered with the Milford Youth Center to offer intergenerational programs during the after school program! This program allows the seniors and the youth of Milford a chance monthly to spend time together and with MYC staff. This month, the residents have chosen to do a pumpkin decorating craft on Wednesday October 9th at 3:15. Leah Martel, the Enriched Life Director and Judy Garrick, the Director of Community Relations are thrilled to continue this relationship with the Milford Youth Center to create an intergenerational partnership between our residents and the youth within the town of Milford!“ They communicated that “we love to give back to our associates, our community, and most importantly, our residents!
  • Bingo: Our very popular BINGO program will run on Friday, October 4th at 3:30. We will be giving after-school members the opportunity to win some fun prizes!
  • MYC Cinema: The MYC Cinema will be showing a holiday themed movie this month on Friday, October 18th at 3:30.
  • MYC Halloween Trivia: is scheduled for October 31st at 3:30. Staff will read off age-appropriate questions and the team with the most correct answers wins!
  • STEAM program will take place October 28th at 3:30. Does your child want to be an entrepreneur? They will have to come up with a plan, alone or in a small group, to help food waste and insecurity in the community. They will brainstorm, develop a pitch to communicate their solutions and ideas and finally, identify and action plan. In December, two members from the 4-H team will be here at the Center, to judge the children’s Pitches in a “shark-tank” like manor! Registered after-school members must sign up and commit to this program by 10/24/24. Contact Program Coordinator, Joanna Abrantes at to reserve your child’s spot!
  • Milford TV: Milford TV will be running their program, thanks to the returning staff, Dominque and Chase. They give the students an opportunity to learn videography skills along with creating their own multi-media projects! This program will run on Thursday, October 10th from 3:30-4:30 pm. You must sign up in advance (limited space)Please contact our Program Coordinator at  to sign your child up!
  • Think Outside the Box Thursday: Think Outside the Box Thursday is a new program this year! It will be held on Thursday, October 17 at 3:30. This will allow the youth to get creative, solve puzzles, finish half drawn pictures, think quick to answer riddles, answer “would you rather” questions, and so much more, all while “Thinking outside the box!” 

Please see bullets below for general info about the After School Program:

  • The Milford Youth Center is not licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care or any other state agency;
  • Registered youth may arrive at or depart from the program at any time during their time at the program;
  • As of Monday, February 28, 2022, we will be mask optional. It is important to note that we will support all members and staff who choose to wear a mask after the mandate is lifted. It is possible if conditions shift that masks may be required again sometime in the future as well. This does not change our policy in terms of attending being sick and/or having COVID symptoms. If you don’t go to school due to any type of illness you are not allowed to attend the Center.
  • Please make sure your child brings a water bottle with them daily, to refill.
  • There is no hanging out in front of the MYC property unless students are waiting to enter and/or to be picked up.
  • All students must be picked up by the time of closing, unless they walk home. Pick-up is outside of the youth center at 24 Pearl St (use intercom to communicate with the front desk).
  • The Youth Center is not responsible for the care or supervision of children beyond program closing time.
  • All lost and found items without names on them are donated and/or recycled (water bottles) at the end of each month as it accumulates quickly! Please remind your child/participant to check daily as they exit.
  • Please visit our polices here: behavioralweatherhealth and traffic.
  • For video of rules, produced by Milford TV click here (video was made prior to mask optional, just FYI).
  • For more information on the programs, click here.

All participants of the Youth Center must annually fill out our registration form to be a member. Once this form is completed, members will receive a key tag and ID number if they are new to the program. This is our way of tracking attendance, so please make sure all members bring their key tag to enter. If key tags are lost, the Youth Center will charge $1.00 for a replacement. Members will also be able to use our washer and dryer, free of charge, during our hours of operation. Members must communicate with MYC staff to assist with this process.

The Youth Center also offers a free snack and dinner program, due to the collaboration of CACFP, Hockomock Area YMCA, and the Milford School Food & Nutrition Services department. Please click here for our weekly menu! All dinners left over will be served the following day prior to the current day delivery.

For additional food programs that we offer please see below:

  1. Please click here for more information about the monthly Hockomock Area YMCA Pop Up Food Pantry.
  2. Please click here for our collaboration with Spoonful’s, formerly Lovin’ Spoonfuls.  Spoonful’s is dedicated to their food rescue mission. They bridge the gap by facilitating the rescue and distribution of healthy, fresh food that would otherwise be discarded. If you are a member of our programming and would like more information to receive weekly groceries, click here. 

For online registration forms click below:

Respiratory Virus Guidelines

On March 25, 2024, we were informed that Massachusetts Department of Public Health recently updated their guidance:

Staying home to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses |

This guidance aligns with recent CDC updated recommendations for respiratory viruses,  including COVID-19 which were released on March 1, 2024

This guidance is for respiratory viruses like InfluenzaRSV, and Covid-19 as they share similar transmission methods, symptoms, and prevention strategies. This unified approach aims to simplify recommendation and address common risks more effectively.


The new CDC guidance for respiratory virus:

  • When you have ANY respiratory virus– stay home and away from others if you have respiratory virus symptoms. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.
  • Return to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
    • Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
    • You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication)
  • When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner airhygienemasks, physical distancing and/or testing, when you will be around other people indoors.
  • Keep in mind that you may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. You are likely to be less contagious at this time, depending on factors like how long you were sick or how sick you were.


The updated Respiratory Virus Guidance recommends that people stay home and away from others until at least 24 hours after both their symptoms are getting better overall, and they have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication). Note that depending on the length of symptoms, this period could be shorter, the same, or longer than the previous guidance for COVID-19.

It is important to note that the guidance doesn’t end with staying home and away from others when sick. The guidance encourages added precaution over the next five days after time at home, away from others, is over. Since some people remain contagious beyond the “stay-at-home” period, a period of added precaution using prevention strategies, such as taking more steps for cleaner air, enhancing hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask, keeping a distance from others, and/or getting tested for respiratory viruses can lower the chance of spreading respiratory viruses to others.

We considered multiple options for adjusting isolation guidance at different lengths of time. In addition to fewer people getting seriously ill from COVID-19 and having better tools to fight serious illness, CDC considered other factors such as the personal and societal costs of extended isolation as well as the timing of when people are most likely to spread the virus (a few days before and after symptoms appear). The updated guidance is easy-to-understand, practical, and evidence-based, as well as more aligned with long-standing recommendations for other respiratory illnesses.

In addition to CDC’s Respiratory Virus Guidance, there are several special considerations for people with certain risk factors for severe illness, including older adults, young children, people with weakened immune systems, people with disabilities, and pregnant people.

To read the complete report, click here. Also, the CDC has created an information FAQ page for the new respiratory guidance, available here.