The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- All the sponsors, foursomes, volunteers and auction donors who have donated raffle items and sponsored our 3rd annual MYC Golf Tournament;
The MYC would like to thank the Businesses and Individuals who have committed as community sponsors for our annual appeal:
- Imperial Cars for their Gold Sponsor pledge of $500, dedicated to support afterschool programming;
- LT Robert C Frascotti Post #1544 VFW for their Silver Sponsor pledge of $250;
- Spoonful’s for saving food in our local communities and providing it to the Center for our families to have weekend food bags;
YouthWorks for the opportunity to employee youth during their full-year program;
Hockomock Area YMCA for continuing to offer their Mobile Food Truck to our participants once/month;
- Seven Hills Foundation for helping pack our weekend food bags for our families;
- In honor of International Women’s Day, the MYC acknowledged full time staff Jen, Joanna and Emily for providing quality programming to the youth and to the general community as a whole, and setting a positive example for woman and girls;
- Hockomock Area YMCA for inviting staff to the annual Reach Out for Youth and Families Campaign Breakfast;
- Milford Food Service Program, SFSP and the Hockomock YMCA for providing breakfast and lunch to our summer campers;
- UMass Memorial Health – Milford Regional Medical Center for collaborating on our wellness and fitness programming;
- Steven and Kerry Pepe for their $250 donation towards Summer Camp Scholarships;
Kallie Tavano for donating board games, a steven madden gift box set, attaru game set, and magic set for the Center’s programming;
- All the Donors who donated socks for the Youth Councils collection.
Ray Auger from Raydio for having Jen and Joanna on his show, take a listen here!
- Milford TV’s Dominique and Chase for running our Milford TV program for the afterschool program;
- MyFM101.3 Team for inviting staff to attend the Butch Moore “You Touched Upon My Life” Award ceremony for Mary Oliva and the Oliva family and for helping create MYC ads generously donated by West Street Autobody;
- Franklin Stop and Shop for donating valentines day mailboxes and chips to the Center, thank you Kim and Lester Muchow for delivering the items;
- Johanne Oliveri for donating a guitar for the Centers future multi-purpose media and music space;
- Cornerstone’s Leah Martel and Maddison Britto for running a St Patrick’s Day program for the youth;
- Volunteers/Outside Services: James Brevigleiri, Gail Jussaume, Aaron Anniballi, Jay Vaz, Earl Wilson and Antoniyo Christiansen for volunteering during our annual March Madness tournament; Ron Auger for running our monthly Life Skills program; Dorothy Burley, Patsy Timmons and Phyllis Foley for running this month’s gardening program; Brian Bell for running our weekly boxing program; Pam Hunter, Judy Tusino and Bill Farrell for packing lunches for the after-school program; Vicki Parabicoli for running our monthly sewing program; and for all our Board Members for meeting monthly to help oversee this amazing asset to the community!
The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate or click here.