The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- Nutriforia Nutrition for hosting a fundraiser celebrating Nutriforia’s 3rd birthday, along with Golden Gate, ArtsyBartsy, and There You Glo for the MYC and raising $390 for Youth Center programming;
- Christopher Dube for donting $126 towards MYC programming through the United way of Central MA Employee Giving program;
- Spoonful’s for saving food in our local communities and providing it to the Center for our families to have weekend food bags;
- YouthWorks for the opportunity to employee youth during their full-year program;
- Hockomock Area YMCA for continuing to offer their Mobile Food Truck to our participants once/month;
- Seven Hills Foundation for helping pack our weekend food bags for our families;
- Milford Food Service Program, SFSP and the Hockomock YMCA for providing breakfast and lunch to our summer campers;
- Pam Goldman for donating the materials and food needed to run our monthly cooking program;
- UMass Memorial Health – Milford Regional Medical Center for collaborating on our wellness and fitness programming;
Ray Auger from Raydio for having Jen and Joanna on his show, take a listen here!
- Milford TV’s Dominique and Chase for running our Milford TV program for the afterschool program;
- Cornerstone’s Leah Martel and Maddison Britto for running a valentines program for the youth;
Volunteers/Outside Services: James Brevigleiri for volunteering in the kitchen and for our volleyball tournament; Ryker Fauth for helping organize in the basement; Dorothy Burley and Phyllis Foley for running this month’s gardening program; Brian Bell for running our weekly boxing program; Pam Hunter, Judy Tusino and Bill Farrell for packing lunches for the after-school program;
Gail Jussaume for helping keep score during our Queen of the Court 3v3 tournament; Victor Canino for overseeing our weekly weight room program; Pam Goldman and Mike Gillis for running this month’s cooking program; Vicki Parabicoli for running our monthly sewing program; and for all our Board Members for meeting monthly to help oversee this amazing asset to the community!
- The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate or click here.