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Milford Youth Center (MYC) Scholarship/Grant Opportunity

The Milford Youth Center wants to find as many opportunities as possible to invest in the youth of the Milford Community. Our free 10-month after school program, multiple food resources, community events, and our affordable summer camp all feed into our goal of providing a safe environment that promotes self-esteem, builds character, and fosters the notion of community and the importance of respecting and serving others. By providing Milford youth with these programs and a safe environment during the after-school hours and during our monthly events, we hope to address adolescent risk factors as well as promote partnerships among community members to ensure a comprehensive vision and plan for the health of the youth in the town of Milford. The more doors we open for our students, the more opportunities they will have to be successful beyond the walls of local schools. Through creativity, technology, and the changing spectrum of the workforce, the paths for our students have more forks than ever before.

We want to further our support to the youth of Milford as they age out of the programs and start pursuing further education/ vocational training, launching a small business, or any goals and aspirations they might have to create their future. Every graduation year the Milford Youth Center will elect individuals to be the recipients of a $500 Milford Youth Center (MYC) Scholarship/Grant. To be responsive and meet students where they are, the scope of the Youth Center shifts from scholarships to now including grants. Therefore, all students are eligible to apply for this funding to support any educational, vocational, or professional development. In 2023, the MYC announced the creation of a second scholarship opportunity, that the Youth Commission added in honor of dedicated, long-time board member and volunteer, Sandy Caproni. The scholarship was named the “Sandra Caproni Good Citizen Award.”

These scholarships were created and are sustained through our MYC Fundraisers and other outside community donations.

Criteria for awards:

  • Must be a product of the Milford Youth Center After School program – were members of the Center and/or participated/volunteered in our programs
  • Must graduate with a C average or better
  • Must show good citizenship, sportsmanship, community involvement
  • Must complete MHS scholarship application

Deadline: April 1, 2025

How to Apply: Students apply by using the MHS Application Form and they must submit a letter to MYC explaining their relation to the Center and how they plan to use these funds for their career or educational advancement. Letters must be mailed to:

Milford Youth Center
24 Pearl Street
Milford, MA 01757

The recipients will be selected by MYC staff and the Milford Youth Commission for this award and will be notified after the April 1st deadline. Awardees will be announced at the Senior Awards Night and awards will be given out at the MYC End of the Year Event.