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November Gratification Post: Dr. Bob Gilmore

Each month we thank an individual, business and /or organization who supports our efforts. This month we would like to extend an extra thank you to volunteer, Dr. Gilmore! Dr. Gilmore has been a long-time volunteer of Milford Youth Center. During our spring and fall months, he runs the MYC Fishing program.

Weather permitting, Dr. Gilmore has dedicated Monday and Wednesday afternoons to teaching the registered after-school members who choose to participate how to fish. But it’s more than that, because Dr. Gilmore is passionate about fishing and teaching, he can incorporate two very important aspects into the one program. Children who may not have access to a fishing pole outside of the Center, get to experience and learn what it means to fish.

While our program is a catch and release, the satisfaction of the fish hooking on is something only you can experience in the moment. Dr. Gilmore teaches them how to properly hold the fishing rod, how to hook the bait and how to cast. When it is time, he teaches them how to carefully reel in the line. These are lessons they will hold on to for a lifetime, and we are all grateful for the time Dr. Gilmore dedicates to the MYC Fishing program twice a week!