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Looking For Donations for our After School MYC Thanksgiving Dinner!

We are reaching out to the community to help us prepare a Thanksgiving meal for our After School program on Tuesday, November 26th! Every year with the help of the community and local businesses, the MYC offers a meal to our after-school members, full of turkey (and other various meat options like chicken and ham), multiple side dishes, delicious desserts, and drinks to celebrate everything that we are thankful for! Last year, we served over 100 after school members! To accomplish this, we are looking to the community (individuals, families, organizations, businesses, restaurants) to donate an item for our meal!?

Donations can include beverages, pre-made desserts, side dishes, gift certificates, etc. We request an ingredient card with every donation for anyone with allergies.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us and we can schedule a time to pick up the item! If you donate a food item to the MYC Thanksgiving Day Meal, please provide a detailed description ingredient card. Email to