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YouthWorks Summer Program Update: August 2024

It is hard to believe our 2024 Youthworks summer program has come to an end! This summer we were able to employ 12 youth at 4 different sites. We are fortunate to partner with Milford Youth Center, Nutriforia, Double Bubble Laundromat, and We All Hoop. Our youth workers have been very busy at their sites this summer!

Along with working at their sites, our youth have been a part of multiple different presentations. In July our youth were able to listen to five different professionals speak about their journey in the workforce. To finish up the summer we were fortunate enough to have three additional professionals come in and talk to the youth.

Our first presenter in August was Barbara from the Attorney General’s office. She talked to the youth about their rights as a worker. Next, Aaron Anniballi joined the youth to talk about his journey to where he is today. Lastly, Caridad Lopez, the principal of Stacy Middle School shared her educational and work aspirations. We would like to say a big thank you to all of our presenters for taking their time to talk to our youth!

Lastly, we would like to announce our last four youth workers of the week! Congrats Abby, Brian, Maddie and Kiaxell. Abby was a star performer at Nutriforia Nutrition. Brian, Maddie and Kiaxell worked at the Milford Youth Center for summer camp integrating with the campers and enjoying the field trips!

We are so proud of our youth workers this summer and can’t believe it is already over! The Youth Center is able to oversee and offer these employment opportunities through the Commonwealth Corporation under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts YouthWorks Program and MassHire Central Career Center. Another great year in the books!