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YouthWorks Update: July 2024

Our 2024 YouthWorks summer program has been off to a great start! This summer we were able to employ 12 youth at 4 different sites. We are fortunate to partner with Milford Youth Center, Nutriforia, Double Bubble Laundromat, and Aaron Anniballi and his basketball workouts. Our youth workers have been very busy at their sites this summer!

Our youth are not only working hard at their jobs sites, but have also been a part of multiple different presentations. We have been fortunate enough to have different professionals come in and talk about their journey in the workforce. Week one, we had Cody from Milford Police, Ashley from Community Impact and the Family Service Unit, Ray a local plumber and Matt from Milford Fire Department. Maddy also presented to the youth about the importance of accountability and communication. Josh talked to the youth about the importance of different job skills!

In week three, we welcomed Amanda Rizoli, who works as a therapist with Community Impact from Milford  Police Department in the family services unit. We also got to meet their comfort K9 Piper! We are so grateful for them coming out. The youth workers also enjoyed a great presentation by Nick and Michelle from Central One Federal Credit Union. The youth had some awesome questions about credit cards, bank accounts and saving money. Thank you to Nick and Michelle for an informative and awesome presentation. Lastly, Sam presented to the youth workers about different learning styles, then the youth workers got to take a quiz to see which type of learner they are!


Lastly, to round out the month of July, we have our youth workers of the week, Antoniyo and Maryanne. Antoniyo is working at two sites this summer, Milford Youth Center and with Aaron and his basketball workouts. Maryanne has done a phenomenal job working at Nutriforia.

We are so proud of our youth workers this summer and can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer brings! The Youth Center is able to oversee and offer these employment opportunities through the Commonwealth Corporation under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts YouthWorks Program and MassHire Central Career Center.

We can’t wait to see what the rest of summer brings!