The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- Thank you to all the individuals, businesses, organizations and volunteers that participated and sponsored our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament;
- Milford Regional Medical Center for collaborating on our wellness and fitness programming
- The Milford Lions Club for donating $500 for Summer Camp Scholarships;
- YouthWorks for the opportunity to employee youth during their full-year program;
- Sandra Caproni for donating $200 towards the Sandra Caproni Good Citizen Award;
- Hockomock Area YMCA for continuing to offer their Mobile Food Truck to our participants once/month;
- UniBank of Milford for donating 4 evolution basketballs and 4 bags of swag for the youth;
- Goldfish Swim School for offering free classes for our Kid’s Play participants;
- MyFM 101.3 and Ray Auger for having Jen on to promote monthly events and programs (for radio clip, click here);
Dominique and Sophia from Milford TV for running our bi-weekly program, teaching the kids how to interview and edit videos! Thank you also for sending us the Fashion Show video here!;
- Cornerstone of Milford’s Margaret Bannerman, Francisco Castro, Kristine Millner and Jared Pearson for running a multi-generational ice cream social for the youth;
- Milford Food Service Program, CACFP and the Hockomock YMCA for providing dinners and snacks to our after school members;
- Brendan Rickert for buying lunch for all the staff who transported and set up for the Golf Tournament;
- Joan and Jack Ward for donating a blanket and pillows for our fundraising raffles;
- David Abrantes for running this moth’s Life Skills program about public speaking;
Volunteers/Outside Services: Thank you John and Darlene Dulude for helping with fundraiser raffle baskets and auction items; Gail Jussaume for helping with golf raffle bags and golf tournament prep; Dr. Robert Gilmore for running our weekly fishing program; Judy Tusino, Bill Farrell and Pamela Hunter for helping back food bags for the MYC families; Nadine Clifford from Connected & Inspired for running our Nutrition program; Pamela
Goldman and Mike Gillis for running a cooking class with the kids; Brian Bell for running our boxing program; Vicki Parabicoli for running a sewing program for the youth; and for all our Board Members for meeting monthly to help oversee this amazing asset to the community!
- The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate or click here.