Each month we thank an individual, business and /or organization who supports our efforts. This month we would like to extend an extra thank you to Jackie’s Boutique & A Touch of Class! Sandy Gray, founder of Jackie’s Boutique, in honor of her daughter, is located in the Milford High School, and provides formal dresses, long and short of all sizes and colors, accessories, and shoes, to those who choose to borrow them. The MYC reached out to Sandy and asked if the children who are participating in the 10th Annual MYC Fashion Show, could borrow dresses. Without hesitation, Sandy was thrilled to help. Sandy spent hours at her boutique with MYC staff and our girls on different days, so the girls could get the full “boutique” experience! She also came early on the day of the show to help, brought mannequins to display more beautiful dresses and stayed after the show to help clean up. As if all these amazing things weren’t enough, Sandys friend, Annie Crowell, a seamstress, volunteered her time and made any necessary alterations to a few dresses the girls chose.
Lee Alexander, owner, and president of the new store in the center in Milford, A Touch of Class, a formalwear store, also without hesitation, accepted to help any member of the fashion show who chose to wear a suit. Lee came here to the center, on three different occasions to measure the kids, talk about preference and took the lead on ordering the suits and delivering them the day before the show. He even went as far as delivering a second dress shirt and suit pants to one individual to ensure the best fit possible. Lee is passionate about his business, his family and work community. Lee also led a Life Skills program at the MYC in March. In this program he taught the registered after-school members who chose to participate, the importance of dress on specific occasions, how to tie a tie and went over questions that are asked in an interview along with tips on how to prepare your best resume. Lee volunteered his time to teach these very important skills that will last a lifetime. We truly appreciate your time, commitment, and your belief in youth, as we do.