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YouthWorks 2023: Summer Update

We wanted to take a minute to first thank all ELEVEN of our sites for their willingness to participate and their dedication to the program. We have a handful of sites that have been with us from the first year we started this program! A big thank you to Milford Food Service, Milford Parks Department, Milford TV, Milford Town Hall, Milford Facilities, Milford Senior Center, Milford Youth Center, Nutriforia Nutrition, Summer League Basketball, Double Bubble Laundromat, and Platinum Enterprise! Without you, we wouldn’t have as successful as a program as we do!!

We would also like to thank all the presenters who took time out of their busy schedules to come and share their experiences with our youth! A big part of this program is to help our youth workers get ready for what comes next after high school, whether that be college, a trade school, or entering the job force. These presenters shared their life experiences, their roads to success, and why they love the jobs that they have. Many of our presenters explained to our youth about the value of persevering and understanding you might not always know what you want to do just yet and that’s ok!  A big thank you to Nick and Owen at Central One Credit Union, Tim, Megan, Jill, Jess, Skylah, and Millie from Milford Regional Center, Rachel Driscoll, Meredith Purtell, and Chrissy Morales-McIntyre from Stacy Middle School, Aaron and Mike from New Human, Amanda from Community Impact and the Milford Police Department, and Jen, Iliana and Landon from the Milford Youth Center and AmeriCorps for sharing your life and career journeys. All of you have helped make this program the best that it could be this summer!

Lastly, we would like to thank all the youth that participated this summer! We could not have a program without you! This summer has been a journey of first jobs, new jobs, learning about different opportunities, self-growth, and mentorship. We are so proud of how far all of you have come! We are so grateful to have this program and are excited to be able to host it again next summer!

This year, for the first time ever, we implemented a rewards system called ‘YouthWorker of the Week,’ where every week Youthworks admin staff chose a specific YouthWorker who had raving reviews from both staff and  host sites! The winners this year were Jordan D, Yasmin, Jordyn H, Miguel, Landon, Iliana and Abby! Thank you all for setting great examples not only in the community but to other YouthWorkers as well!

We are excited to announce that four YouthWorkers have secured jobs at their sites after our program ended! Congratulations to Jordan at Double Bubble, Abby at Platinum Enterprise, and Landon and Iliana for being accepted as SCI AmeriCorps members at the Milford Youth Center! We also, first the first time ever, were able to expand our program throughout part of the school year as well! We are excited to have 8 YouthWorkers stay without us throughout the school year!

This summer was made possible thanks to our amazing YouthWorks Admin team who worked day and night to ensure these YouthWorkers had the best program possible! Thank you to Sam and Maddy for supervising and overseeing the program, and to Josh and Jason who worked together to communicate with all sites and youth in the program!

Thank you all for your commitment to the program and helping fostering a place for youth to learn and be successful in our Milford Community! The Youth Center is able to oversee and offer these employment opportunities through the Commonwealth Corporation under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts YouthWorks Program and MassHire Central Region Workforce Board. The Youth Center received a $203,127.74 contract from the State to run this program during the summer, in which we are very grateful for!