The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- Tony and Ann Ferreira for donating $500 towards summer camp scholarships;
- Sandra Caproni for donating $200 to the Sandra Caproni Good Citizen 2024 award;
- Milford MA Troop 314 for donating $118 from their Eagle Scout project;
- The Hockomock YMCA for making the Youth Center a new location for their monthly pop-up pantry;
- Cornerstone in Milford for donating goodie bags to the youth for the last day party;
- Commonwealth Financial Network for donating miscellaneous boxes of art supplies for MYC programming;
- Milford Regional Medical Center for collaborating on our wellness and fitness programming;
- Milford Food Service Program, CACFP and the Hockomock YMCA for providing dinners and snacks every day for the after school program;
- Lovin’ Spoonfuls for providing our families with the option
of weekly rescued food donations;
- Jackie Silva for donating art supplies;
- Milford TV and Mishelle Hebshie for running our Milford TV after-school program, and filming for our Escape Room and Last Day Celebration;
- Sharon Correia for donating Cranium board games;
- Josh Schorn for refurbishing and making our skate park mobile for his Eagle scouts project;
- Andy Nastasi and Blue Moon Bagel Co. for donating muffins, bagels, and bread to the Center;
- GoldFish Swim School for offering three-month free lessons for our MYC Kids Play Group;
- Derek Stienstra for donating towels to the Center;
Central One Federal Credit Union for inviting us to your Ribbon Cutting Ceremony;
- Volunteers: Ellie Pavia, Joycee Flauris, and Iyanna Correa from the MYC Youth Council for presenting to the Youth Commission about the After-School program; Phyllis Foley for running our gardening program monthly, and helping us with our tower garden; Victor Canino and Brian Bell for running our boxing and kickboxing program; Gail Jussame, Earl Wilson, Kyle Hobson, and David Abrantes for helping during our last day celebration; Judy Tusino for helping pack our food bags from Lovin’ Spoonful’s; our Senior Tax Relief volunteers Christine Mancine for helping in the gym and James Brevigleiri for helping hand out dinners and snacks in the kitchen; Pyper Bourre for helping during the after school program; Gilmore for running our fishing program; Tyler Alvarado for helping in the gym; previous Board Member Sandra Caproni for helping present the Sandra Caproni Good Citizens Award; for all our Board Members for meeting monthly to help oversee this amazing asset to the community!
The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate or click here.