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Monthly Gratification Post: MYC Golf Committee!

This month’s gratification post is dedicated to our golf committee for our first ever MYC Golf Fundraiser! Each month we thank an individual, business and/or organization who supports our efforts, this month we would like to extend an extra thank you to our golf committee, which included Jim Downs, Pat Murphy, Ken Rosa, Brendan Rickert and Christine Crean!

Knowing that the Center is responsible for raising all program, equipment and part-time staffing funds, the Hockomock Area YMCA reached out to the Youth Center Director last year to see if we would be interested in creating a golf tournament fundraiser for the first time with their help! The YMCA is familiar with running golf tournaments and they thought this would be a great way to partner and help the Center raise some additional funds. Ken Rosa, Hockomock Area YMCA Board Member helped facilitate the initial conversation and meetings, and soon we had Jim Downs, CEO, and Pat Murphy, Association Director of Community Engagement & Partnerships, of Hockomock Area YMCA on the committee. Youth Commission members, Brendan Rickert and Christine Crean joined along with the Youth Center Director, Jen Ward, completing the committee. For over 5 months, the committee met once per week to help get our first golf tournament off the ground. We cannot thank the committee enough, for not only volunteering their time and expertise, but for also helping secure raffles, foursomes and relationships with new businesses for sponsorships! Finally, due to their help, our first golf tournament was a huge success, raising $19,000 for the Center! We look forward to next years event, already scheduled for May 10, 2024 and would once again like to thank our golf committee for all of their efforts!