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Monthly Gratification Post: Sandry Caproni

This month’s gratification post is dedicated to longtime volunteer and board member of the Milford Youth Center, Sandy Carponi. Sandy, joined the board in 2005 and has seen the Center through so many milestones! After 18 years of service, we were able to pay tribute to Sandy at her last board meeting who, after 18 years of service on the Milford Youth Commission, is moving from Milford with her family. Sandy’s three sons and husband surprised Sandy at her last meeting, along with State Representative Brian Murray and Select Board Member, Paul Mazzuchelli, both of whom provided citations to Sandy for her years of service!

Sandy has been with the Youth Center prior to and throughout the lengthy renovation process and has been a huge factor in the project’s success. Sandy also volunteered her time at so many Youth Center events, including, but not limited to our St. Pat’s Fundraiser, CraftRoots Fundraiser, Telethons, Halloween Event, Find Yourself Fridays, Relay for Life, Thanksgiving Meal and Fashion Show! One memory that the Director, Jen Ward, recalls is Sandy and her husband Mike joining her on a early Saturday morning to retrieve all the original hardware off the doors, before the building was handed over to the contractors for the renovation. Together, the three of them carefully took off each door knob, one by one with a screw driver! Sandy was also so supportive of MYC staff, through all the obstacles that we faced, with such compassion and professionalism. We are thankful for her dedication, wish her only the best but will certainly miss her dedication and fine work.