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Monthly Gratification Post: Gail & Judy!

This month’s gratification post is dedicated to two of our amazing volunteers, Gail Jussaume and Judy Tusino! Each month we thank an individual, business and/or organization who supports our efforts, this month we would like to extend an extra thank you to Gail and Judy. Gail and Judy have gone above and beyond since the beginning of our 2022-2023 school year, participating in an event or more monthly. In September, Judy prepared and donated a raffle that was donated at our annual fundraiser. At our Halloween event, Friday Fright Night, they monitored and distributed snacks and drinks to the children. In November, they each made cupcakes and volunteered their time at our Youth Center’s Thanksgiving Dinner where they oversaw the dessert table. Since December, every Thursday, Judy has helped to divide and bag the weekly groceries for families with our Lovin’ Spoonful’s Food program and on Fridays, Gail is here to distribute the bags when the families arrive to pick them up. Together they have divided and conquered a list of over 500 companies to reach out to in hopes of connecting with them to donate to our new fundraiser that will take place on May 5th, a Golf tournament in collaboration with the Hockomock YMCA. We take pride and such gratitude toward our volunteers, as they are here because they want to be, under no obligation and together and individually make such an impact on the Youth Center. Their hard work and dedication allow for staff to utilize our time elsewhere, knowing that whatever task Gail and Judy work at, it will be done with awareness, care and all for the well-being and future of our Youth at the Center. Volunteering is a selfless act, and for that Gail and Judy are who we would like to acknowledge this month!