The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- Milford Town Meeting for appropriating funds for electrical upgrades at the Center;
- Teacher’s Driving Academy (TDA) for donating just under $3,000 to the Center;
- Stephen and Kerry Pepe for donating $100 towards our annual fundraiser;
- Kevin LeBlanc for his donation of $100 to the Center;
- Donna Lapointe for donating a stand up hand sanitizer machine to the Center;
- Goldfish Swim School for donating lessons to the Laurent family for 3 months;
- Ginny St. Jean and the St. Jean family for donating miscellaneous art supplies to the Center;
- Amy Dononue from Sacred Heart Church for donating miscellaneous supplies and socks;
- Sue Ellen Szynmanski for donating binders and water bottle holders to the Center;
- Milford Regional Medical Center for inviting us to attend their Clinical & Community Solutions to Address Youth Mental Health Seminar;
- DoubleTree Boston Milford for selecting the Youth Center as the recipient of monetary donations at their October Fest;
- Milford Food Service Program, CACFP and the Hockomock YMCA for providing dinners and snacks every day for the After School Program;
- Milford TV and Mishelle Hebshie for running our Milford TV after-school program;
- Volunteers: Ellie Poitras for spending her afternoons in the game room; Earl Wilson for helping with our sports programming, Bob Gilmore for running our fishing program at Fino; Gail Jussaume for packing lunches for the after-school members; Pat Lee, Sue-Ellen Szynmanski, Phyllis Foley, and Susan Dykoff for running our gardening program monthly; Linda and Isabella Kabat for running the Give Kids the Art program; Life Skills volunteers from BVT for our automotive program including Derek Stienstra, Sarah Silva and Guilherme Oliveira, Josh Schorn for helping hand out dinners and snacks in the kitchen; Everyone who helped and donated for our Friday Fright Night Event; Francoise Elise for volunteering to help with grant opportunities; and to all our Board Members for meeting monthly to help oversee this amazing asset to the community!
The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate or click here.