The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- Milford Police Association and Officer Carlos Sousa for presenting a $500 donation to the Center to support our Annual Fundraiser in September;
- Nutriforia Nutrition for hosting a fundraiser for the Youth Center on July 16th and to everyone who participated;
- DoubleTree by Hilton in Milford for their monetary donation and school supplies;
- Goldfish Swim School – Milford for gifting three-month free swim lessons to our families and for coming in and doing a presentation on swim safety for the summer campers;
- Milford Special Ops Lavigne and Woodward for doing a drone presentation and demonstration for all the campers;
- Worcester State University for allowing long-time staff member, Kallie Tavano, to conduct her internship/practicum requirement at the Center;
- Milford Food Service Program, CACFP and the Hockomock YMCA for providing breakfast and lunches every day for the Summer Camp Program;
- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, the Commonwealth Corporation and the MassHire Central Career Center for awarding the Center a $100,000 contract to help employ income-eligible youth this summer;
- Taylor True Value Rentals of Bellingham for getting us a waterslide when the lakes failed for summer camp;
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Milford Board of Health for presenting to the summer campers about air quality;
- Hockomock YMCA of Franklin for donating their pool and beach space at Silver Lake in Bellingham for our summer camper’s to enjoy;
- Stacy Holland and Summer Camper Kai for donating raffle prizes for our upcoming annual fundraiser;
- John and Darlene Dulude for donating items and helping create raffle prizes;
- The Ward’s and Ariea Bryan for their raffle donations;
- Yvy Lima for her donation of necklaces for Summer Camp;
- The Cora Loving Campers for always taking care of her and bringing her in gifts;
- The Schorn Family for donating items off of our MYC Wishlist;
- Theresa Corbett for donating a bicycle to the Center;
- Bunny Porter for donating backpacks for our backpack drive;
- Nitto Avecia for donating disposable gloves to the Center;
- Kerri Laverdiere for donating puzzles for our Quiet Zone;
- Camper Isabella Gachau and her family for donating 5 Wii games;
- Milford Softball for donating leftover snacks and shirts from their tournament;
- Volunteers: Gail Jussaume for coming into help pack lunches; James Brevigleiri for helping pass out breakfast and lunches; Julya Caldeira for coming in on Mondays to help with arts & Crafts and free play during Summer Camp, Francoise Elise for volunteering to help with grant opportunities and to all our Board Members for meeting monthly to help oversee this amazing asset to the community!
The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate or click here.