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Girl Scout Project Presented to the Youth Center!

The Milford Youth Center would like to recognize and thank Milford Girl Scout, Carly Haley, for choosing us for her Gold Award Project! For her project, Carly came up with the idea to create a reading bench along with a book of the month club. This idea was brought to life and we are so thankful for it! Carly spent 106 hours creating, building, and installing her project! She hand built the entire bench, utilizing large power tools and some recycled materials. Once the bench was built, she then came to the youth center and installed it! Along with the bench, Carly also came up with the idea for the book of the month club. Each book Carly chose, corresponds with the month’s observed awareness. Once the bench was installed, Carly had an unveiling at the youth center. The youth, and members of the Girl Scouts and the Milford community were invited to come check out the amazing project that she completed, along with a slide show viewing. This will be an amazing place for kids to come enjoy a book for years to come!