The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- Kara Rossetti for the board games;
- Terry Corbett for the 3 electric scooters;
- Natures Medicine for the month long collection of wish list items;
- Maureen Woodworth for the file folders;
- The Taylor Group for the 5 boxes of ¼ zip dry fit shirts, water bottles, hats and pens;
- The Lima Family for the Italian Ice for campers and counselors on the last day of camp;
- The Onderdonk Family for the breakfast spread for our camp counselors;
- Robin Pease for the cups, straws and paper products;
- Milford Federal Bank for the monetary donation for summer camp scholarships;
- United Way of MA bay and Merrimack Valley for the monetary donation;
- Jen from Infinite Pawz-Ibilities for working with Cora and the grant process to get her trained (Cora passed her CGC Test!);
- Volunteer Christine Daddario for running EarthArt program;
- Francoise Elise for volunteering her time to work on grants for the MYC;
- Milford Food Program and the Hockomock YMCA for providing breakfast and lunches for our summer camp;
- That Milford Show (Al Correia, Brent DeWitt and Milford TV) for having us on to promote our programs!
The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate or click here.