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MYC Fashion Show a Success!

We would like to thank everyone that helped make our 9th Annual “Dressed Up, Not Messed Up” Youth Fashion Show a success this year! Over 30 youth participated in the event! Each year the show gets better and better, with more youth participating and community involvement but we did have a transition year and just hired our new program coordinator this last month so instead of cancelling the event we decided to still do it but at a smaller scale! The show must go on!
We would specifically like to thank: TJ MAXX of Milford, Chair Secrets by Meredith Carbary, Carolyn Federico, Glamour Hair Salon, The Chop Shop, Jay’s Classic Barbershop, Next Generation Barbershop, Siobhan Foley, Giana Acquafresca, Oliva Acquafresca, Brooke Ferreira, Kaleigh Wilcox, Jake Cahill, Eduarda Costa, Danica Crim, Patricia Fernandes, Yvy Lima, Juliana Morin, Sebastian Soares, Victoria Williams, Milford TV, John & Darlene Dulude, Elissa Hayes and Elissa’s Cakes, DJ Ron Auger, Pizza Palace, MYC staff and all the amazing youth participants!
Through this event we look to raise awareness about underage drinking and help teens become better informed about the dangers of alcohol so they can make healthy decisions throughout life. We also hope this event helps to increase youth self-esteem and attitudes toward their body image. When we created this event years ago, along with JAG we were following the Search Institute’s, 40 Developmental Assets, which are 40 research based, positive experiences and qualities that influence young people’s development, helping them become caring, responsible and productive adults. Over time, studies of more than 5 million young people consistently show that the more assets that young people have, the less likely they are to engage in a wide range of high risk- behaviors and the more likely they are to thrive. Of the 40 assets, multiple reference the importance of having

positive adult relationships, whether they are family or non-family members! While the participants were getting ready, we had each them write down that person on a little chalk board and took a photo of them to share! We hope you enjoy (Thank you Tori Williams for the awesome photos)!
  • For results from the 2018 MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey, click here.
  • For more on Development Assets, click here.