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Kid’s Play Group (0-5)!

Come join our MYC Kid’s Play Group for the last session of this school year, on this   Tuesday, June 4th from 12:30-2:00 PM! We will have a jumpy on the last day for the kids!

We would like to thank the Milford Fire Department for joining us last week and allowing the group to tour the Fire Station and see the Fire truck! They also got to see Firefighter Chris put on his full gear! They loved it!
Each session will include activities such as circle time, free play, crafts, snack, story time and clean up! There is a requested donation of $5 per family per session, so the MYC can continue and expand groups and programming. Come on down and bring your child to run and play while adults socialize and meet other families in the community! We hope you all have a fun and safe summer and we will be starting group up again in September!