As much as possible, MYC and staff tries to participate in community events and programs. In fact, the vision of the Milford Youth Center is to provide a safe environment that promotes self-esteem, builds character, and fosters the notion of community and the importance of respecting and serving others. We truly believe that it takes an entire community to lead the way!
This past month, AmeriCorps member Marissa and our new Program Coordinator Kathleen attended the JAG Networking Breakfast and also had an information table! Jen, the Director and Katie the Assistant Director attended the Milford Senior Center’s annual Volunteer Breakfast, an event to recognize thevolunteers over the past year! The Center also held a tour for the Milford Senior Center’s Men’s Group this month. The group reached out to have a full tour of the facility and we loved having them here to learn about the history and programs! In addition, the entire full-time staff and Youth Council members participated in Milford Beautification Day, an event organized by the Citizens for Milford and Friends of the Milford Upper Charles Trail! The group was assigned two areas in Town and picked up
over 15 bags of trash! Finally, Marissa, our SCI AmeriCorps member helped out and attended Social Capital Inc’s Annual Luncheon, which raised over $15,000 for the organization! Social Capital Inc’s mission is to strengthen communities by connecting diverse individuals and organizations through civic engagement initiatives. The Milford Youth Center partners with Social Capital each year to obtain a full-time AmeriCorps member! The SCI AmeriCorps program with Social Capital Inc. addresses the need to increase social capital to improve the educational success of youth!