The Youth Center would like to extend a very appreciative thank you to the following list who donated items and/or their time this month to the Center:
- Brant & Meghan Hornberger for your generous monetary donation;
- Christine Daddario for donating legos and misc. prizes;
- Doris C. & Lisa Kohne for donating homemade knit bookmarks;
- Maura Danakos for donating silverware;
- Robyn Porcha for donating boys clothing.
- Courtney Walsh for donating women’s toiletries;
- Sheila Santello-Young for donating misc. crafts and motivational signs;
- Goldfish Swim School for donating Auntie Annie’s pretzels;
- Kathy Fisher for donating winter jackets.
The Youth Center relies on donations to help sustain our programs! Please contact the Center if you would like to donate!