The Milford Youth Center would like to thank the Greater Milford Community Health Network for awarding the Youth Center a $54,706 grant to support the finishing out of 955 sq ft of existing but undeveloped space in the basement of the Youth Center!
The grant will specifically address the Community Health Improvement Plan, Priority Area 1: Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,’ with the goal of creating healthier communities and preventing chronic disease by improving nutrition and increasing physical activity! This will be achieved through the creation of new space, to be used in conjunction with the Milford Regional Medical Center (MRMC), who hosts free courses for after-school use in the space. Currently, the MRMC has offered several course offerings at the MYC facility, but due to space constraints, classes were offered in hallways and other spaces out of sheer necessity and convenience. Even with limited space last year, 150 youths participated in course offerings. We anticipate that with new space and the growing positive reputation that the Milford Youth Center is fostering in the community, that a total number of 350 youths will be able to participate in coordinated classes such as martial arts, yoga, CrossFit, and various ‘bootcamp’ style programs. In addition the Youth Center would like to thank Consigli Construction, locally founded and committed to the community, who has generously agreed to donate labor for the finishing out of space, which significantly reduces costs of the project by an estimated value of $15,500. Finally, we would like to thank Milford Regional Medical Center for supporting the fitness programs and for their letter of support for this opportunity. We can’t wait to see the room transformed!