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MYC Thanksgiving Dinner a HUGE Success!

On behalf of the Milford Youth Center staff, we would like to express how grateful we are for all the companies, families and individuals who made our Thanksgiving meal for the kids a huge success! We were able to serve over 125 kids with a nice, hot meal as well as donate leftovers to the Milford Fire Department and local families in need. The Milford Fire Department allowed us to use their oven to keep food warm before we served it.
We would like to thank our local community businesses Pizza Chef, Oliva’s Market, Catering & Gourmet Gifts, Gene’s Variety, Cantinho Goiano and Casa Brasil for each donating a side dish for our meal. Thank you to the Walsh Family, Price Chopper, Big Y and Stop and Shop for the monetary donations to allow us to get supplies we needed to serve the

meal; For each family of our
MYC Youth council
member that donated a dish (Barros, Rivera, Morais, Dorce, Morris, Hayes/Turcotte, Beaucejour, Campos, Bassos, Ramos/Chavez, Dew, Mobilia, Kidman, Smith, Murphy, Freeman, Rodriguez, Soares, De Jesus/Legere, Lima, McBride, Braz, Grose, Giacomuzzi, Paguay, Fernandes, DeSousa, Ramos and Demers); to our board members who volunteered and/or donated a plate: Amy Tamagni, Sandy Caproni, Lisa White, Susan Salamone, Darlene

Dulude, Brenda Wheelock and Ron Talyor; to the volunteers who helped serve and/or donated a plate: Jessica Friswell of the United Way of Tri-County, John Dulude, Eva Barros, Gloria Cosquette, Fisher Family, Kim Wach, Courtney Walsh, Angel Kaye-Rocha, Joanna Abrantes, Clayton Pickett, Melanie Burns and John Perry. Finally thank you to all the staff members who made and/or donated a dish as well! Lastly, thank you to Milford TV for allowing us to use their camera equipment for the event!