We would like to thank our campers, their families, our staff and volunteers for a great summer camp program! We had 95 campers participate in our camp program this year! The campers enjoyed activities at the Center, Fino Pool, Hopkinton State Park and trips to SkyZone, Water Wizz, Blackstone Valley IcePlex PawSox game, Six Flags, Pinz Enterainment, Onset beach and a town scavenger hunt!
Also, congratulations to our final three campers of the week (click on photo the right):
- Week 5: Joshua G. & Kioni
- Week 6: Laryssa & Matt H.
- Week 7: JO JO & Chloe
We would like to thank our camp scholarship sponsors this year again:Milford MA Rotary Club and the Milford National Bank and its Charitable Foundation! We would also like to thank the families who donated items over the last three weeks of camp: Rodriquez family- popcorn & water bottles; Lavallie family – arts & Crafts materials; Callahan family- extra shirts for tie-dying; Turcotte family-ice cream; Rivera family- popsicles; Gomes family-donuts and coffee. Finally, thank you to the Braza family for donating sports equipment from the Milford Sports Center!