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MYC Camp Thank you’s – Week 1-4!

13615061_10157171670980343_1719448246284792891_nWe would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the Milford Summer Food Service Program for providing lunches and snacks all week for our camp! Thank you to Milford 495 Rental Center for fixing the blower of our jumpy at no cost! We utilize the jumpy everyday for summer camp and the kids are excited to have it back up and running! Thank you to the Andreotti and Bennett families for donating water and water bottles to the camp!camp thank you
Thank you Lisa Legere for donating cupcakes for movie! day! Another huge thank you to Dale and Kevin from the Vineyard Church in Hopkinton and Paul Johnson for working so hard to get the wall and rugs ready for our movie room – the kids loved it! Thank you to Joe Graziano for helping us set up the screen, projector and sound system! Thank you to the Kidman and Vito families for donating crafts and games to the program. Thank you to ADP again for donating the foam fingers for the baseball game and Dr. Kenneth Seitz for donating basketballs.