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MYC & JAG to Partner with SCI AmeriCorps!

We’re excited to announce that the SCI AmeriCorps program has expanded to several new communities, including Milford, Salem, Bellingham, New Bedford!

On their way to 25 total members, they are still actively recruiting for several open positions at their partner sites, both new and returning, throughout Eastern Massachusetts. Members are divided into two teams, Youth Leadership Coordinators and Volunteer Outreach Coordinators, and serve for ten months beginning in September 2015.
If you know someone who may be interested, direct he/she to review the position descriptions at our website. To apply, candidates should send a cover letter and resume to the program manager at:

We are very proud to partner, once again, with Social Capital Inc. and their AmeriCorps program this year!!! This grant will allow us to share a full time AmeriCorps members with the Juvenile Advocacy Group. We look forward to working with SCI to look for ways to improve and grow our youth leadership program and community collaboration!