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Save the Date: MYC’s Annual St. Pat’s Fundraiser!

Mark your calendars!!! The Milford Youth Center will host its fifth annual St. Pat’s Fundraiser on Saturday, March 15th.

This annual event is to help raise money for the Center, which is currently relying on individual donations, rental fees, support from the Town, TDA registration donations, funding from the United Way of Tri-County and fundraisers like this to keep its door open to our youth. Please consider joining us to make this event a success! We consider this to be one of our biggest fundraisers with the anticipation of over 300 people in attendance. All proceeds of the event go towards the physical fitness and educational programs of the Center.

Tickets will be available soon! We are also looking for raffle prize donations. Please contact the Center at 508-473-1756 or if your business or company would like to make a donation!